Overview of the FC Wisconsin Coaching Methodology

Overview of the FC Wisconsin Coaching Methodology

"Pedagogy" is defined by Merriam-Webster as the "art, science, or profession of teaching."  It is a word that is rarely used to describe soccer coaching, but it defines very clearly the mentality and approach of FC Wisconsin coaches to teaching the sport.  At FC Wisconsin, the role of our coaches is to teach the game in a way that helps players maximize their potential and achieve at the highest possible levels.  

  • This means our training exercises must be fundamentally sound, and our methodology must be based on best practices.
  • This means our instruction must encompass all components of the game, always prioritizing decision-making and understanding.
  • This means we must constantly evaluate our training to see whether we are impacting players in the desired manner to help them be successful.
  • This means that our actions on the field are a reflection of our character off of the field.
  • This means that our coaches must constantly be learning and growing in their teaching ability.

At FC Wisconsin, soccer coaching is an art, science, and a profession.  Our coaches are held to standards that insure that our players have the best chance of accomplishing thier personal long-term goals.

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